Website for an ERC grant on The Politics of Climate Loss and Damage

For her European Research Council Grant on The Politics of Climate Change Loss and Damage, Lisa Vanhala from UCL wanted a website which could easily showcase the research being conducted, but also be useful for the community at large interested in the topic.

As with all our communication projects here at element6, we started to discuss with her the core elements of the research project, to imagine the best possible way to organise the outputs on the website. The main effort carried on by Lisa and her research team is to participate at international events where the politics of Loss and Damage are being defined, and to investigate further the policies from a local point of view in a number of case studies.

We first thought of categorizing the website contents from a geographical perspective, but then realized the interest of the research being carried on extends beyond borders and is cross-cutting. So we decided instead to give prominence on the website to the calendar of events related to Loss & Damage, and to simply color code the website according to the 3 main streams of research. These choices are also reflected in the official logo designed by our graphic designer: at the crossing of the analyses of Domestic policies (in Blu) and International negotiations (in Yellow) lies the Transdisciplinary analysis (in Green) which will be performed towards the end of the project in 2021.

According to the communication plan we drafted together, the website is now being updated regularly directly by the research team at UCL, while we keep only a supervision role in helping them shape their post for contents and looks.